Secret Lucas Writings

This is my blog where I primarily write about interactive media and design. I hope you enjoy.

Saturday, April 23, 2005


Holy crap is Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics an awesome book

I can totally see the influence of Hayakawa and McLuhan, but with even more stuff. And a lot of it is stuff that I've been forming on my own.

Given my roots in comic books and films, I must have this book in my library.

I really recommend more people to give it a read. Especially game developers. We're developing our own form of media here, our own language of representation. It's good to truly understand better other forms to help us.


  • At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Very good book; extremely thought provoking.

    Just the idea of being able to separate form from content was a major milestone in making a transition from clueless person to someone with knowledge of art, photography, writing, and video game design.

    I continually find the trianglar diagram representing "abstraction - iconography - realism" useful too.


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