Secret Lucas Writings

This is my blog where I primarily write about interactive media and design. I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Finally! the E3 build is done and sent.

wow man, first E3 period as a game developer. I had NO IDEA how much stress was involved. Seriously, we were working like 14 hours Sunday trying to get the E3 build out the door. Didn't go home until 2 AM. Granted, my stuff was done hella early (did some little changes to the character select that MAJORLY improved the look). But I wasn't gonna leave the team, and besides, I had nothing better to do. Plus, I'm kinda excited. This is the first time other people are going to see it.

But no, I'm not going to E3, and what's interesting, most of the people I work with aren't either. In the large scheme of things, E3 just isn't that big of a deal. On the other hand, I'm really excited and nervous to see what people think.

The game? Well it's finally been announced. Shrek SuperSlam for the Nintendo DS. Developed by Amaze Entertainment and published by Activision in collaboration with Dreamworks.

Perfect game for me too, for two reasons. A - not hardcore gamer, so making a "pick up and play" game for a handheld is, as I believe, the perfect game for a non-gamer. It's about evoking the emotional reaction quickly and effectively. I think we're pulling this off pretty well with the zany slapstick action mixed with fighting that we are constantly working on to be balanced and fun. B - There are 3 types of games I really love. 1 - Diablo Hack'n slash. 2 - Turn-based strategy (I love Front Mission 4) and 3 - fighting games. I LOVE fighting games.

Not that I'm into violence that much. But I think fighting games are a microcosm of strategy. The good thing is that since I'm so passionate about fighting games (and not just Streetfighter like a lot of people on the team, I'm much more into 3D games like Tekken, DOA, and SoulCalibur, but as you all know MK2 has a special place in my heart), anyways, since I'm so passionate, I'm very vocal about the moves of the players, the AI, constantly trying to make it fun to play. And I'm very picky, and unforgiving.

But I'm also very passionate. I've always heard the phrase "well if you don't like it, YOU try to do better." Well, that's what I'm trying to do.

Anyways, we'll see how it goes. The nice thing is they loved the build, and I was able to go home early yesterday and take today off. A nice couple days of rest. I hope we get some press, but I doubt it, the game journalists don't really seem to care about handheld games.


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