Secret Lucas Writings

This is my blog where I primarily write about interactive media and design. I hope you enjoy.

Monday, October 25, 2004

experimental gameplay

So after my thoughts last night, I'm looking into the Experimental Gameplay workshop.
here's the link to the main website.

Gameplay is the key elements here. Gameplay are the verbs that the user enacts upon the nouns. Or rather, the set of sentences that can be created with these noun/verb interactions.

Gameplay is the core of our medium. "Our" signifying game developers.

I wrote a bit about this in an essay a couple years ago. I'll try to summarize.

Each dimension has a corresponding art form.
Except the 1st dimension, which I'm not so sure about.

The second dimension has conventional "art". Paintings, drawings, murals, photographs, etc. Each of these are a sort of manipulation of 2 dimensional space, usually by varing color at a specific x, y position.

When we add the z plane, we get the third dimension. The 3rd dimension translates to "real space", ie, the world we live in. Go to your local art museum and browse the sculpture section. Here we have both the "color" of the exact coordinate of 3D space, but also another variable - "existence".

Mathematically, time is considered the 4th dimension. so now we have 4 variables (x,y,z, and t). a collection of (x,y,z) points correspond to a specific t. when t is viewed in ascending order, we get another variable - "sequence". The sequence is core element of a 4th dimensional art form, it's what separates the art from from others. 4th dimensional art forms are theatrical performances.

Ahh, but what about films? good question.
Films are 2 dimensional art forms with a t variable. I still count them as 4 dimensional, along with comic books, because the t variable changes, but the z variable stays the same (0).

Now, mathematically, a collection of 4th dimensional objects create a 5th dimension. The 5th dimension, if you believe in modern physics, signifies "alternate realities" and "parallel universes", buzzwords which have captured the mind of science fiction writers.

the 5th dimension adds another variable, which I'm going to call p (for possibility).

so imagine that the viewer of this medium is at instance (x,y,z, 0,0)

for the next increase of t from 0 to 1, the rules of gameplay says that there are a multitude of (x,y,z,1,p)'s. The set of these values constitute what these "rules" are, as they limit what possibilities are available.

So, does adding the variable of p (possibility), preclude games from being an "art" form?

I guess, that entails a definition of what art really is, which takes a rather trancedental view.



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