Secret Lucas Writings

This is my blog where I primarily write about interactive media and design. I hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

books books books

Too many books to read!

Still 100 pages to go in "The Illusion of Life".

Started "Rules of Play", but not totally focused on it.

Picked up "A Theory of Fun", as well as "Rebel Without a Crew"

And, to brush up on the classics, bought a pocket "Moby Dick".

This is only the tip of the iceberg, I want to get Chris Crawford's book, brush up on Richard Rouse, go back over "The Study of Games" and "Life of Poetry", as well as few other game design books here and there. I also want to read "Raising Kane".

On top of that, I want to really pursue the classics. I know I should play more games, but usually I just don't get nearly as much enjoyment out of them as I do books or movies. I have 202 movies enqueued on my Blockbuster Online account. Put on top of that time I try to spend on drawing, piano and music composition, and my programming side projects, and I'm one busy dude.

Oh well, my college years trained me for that. Rolling stone and such.


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