Secret Lucas Writings

This is my blog where I primarily write about interactive media and design. I hope you enjoy.

Friday, June 17, 2005

flying time

wow does the time fly.

gonna be a long weekend. Alpha is coming up soon, and ship is August 1st.

At first I was getting tired of the long hours that I've putting in (more voluntary than required), but now I'm just excited.

I've put aside game programming side projects for a little while. After reading more into Rules of Play and Theory of Fun, I'm not quite sure what place narrative really has for games. It seems that games and stories act upon different areas of the brain, and that games really aren't equipped to touch the heart.

I haven't given up, but I've decided to focus on narrative in its more natural medium. I've been writing. Actually, I've only really been writing for the past week. Robin's dream post was the missing puzzle peice of a story that I've been assembling ever since I was twelve years old. Touched upon the manifestation of my very drive for creativity.

Only thing I'm worried about, is that I'm scared of failing. I keep telling myself I'm a programmer, not a writer. I'm afraid of creating something ridiculous. Not doing something so deeply personal to me enough justice.

I just find it strange, because I've never been afraid to try anything. I've never given up on anything. Pushed it aside for a bit, sure. But never gave up.

Have you ever been so afraid of failure that you didn't even try?
And what did you do to overcome it?

Can a person be more than what they do for money? Is it really worth trying?