Secret Lucas Writings

This is my blog where I primarily write about interactive media and design. I hope you enjoy.

Saturday, April 23, 2005


Holy crap is Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics an awesome book

I can totally see the influence of Hayakawa and McLuhan, but with even more stuff. And a lot of it is stuff that I've been forming on my own.

Given my roots in comic books and films, I must have this book in my library.

I really recommend more people to give it a read. Especially game developers. We're developing our own form of media here, our own language of representation. It's good to truly understand better other forms to help us.

Thursday, April 21, 2005


No I'm not going to E3 this year.

It's funny, there's been this interesting progression of my viewpoint towards E3.

First, it was the coolest thing in the world. I mean, holy cow, this is where all the games come together and they are shown off. How awesome is that?! And you can't get in unless you are a game developer or game press, or something to do with the industry? Wow! I can't wait to be in the industry and go to E3.

Then, I went to GDC. And it was like - hrmm, well, I guess E3 isn't that big of a deal. I mean, I guess I like games. Really I like movies much more. If anything I like the process of making games, rather than the end result. I guess GDC is more of my thing. But I'll go to E3 if I can afford it.

Then I got a job in the industry and went to GDC again. F**k E3! It's the example of everythingg that's wrong with the industry! it's all about marketing, a big freaking circus, pumping up all the crap about games. Ooooh look! More polygons! Better sound! So fucking what? E3 is stupid, and there's no way I'm going to go to it.

Then, our pre-E3 milestone occurred, and I found myself working late nights in the office, knowing that they are going to want something to show off. Goddamn E3, making me work like a dog. Jeez oh man, I hate it with my very soul.

Then, I started getting my second wind, getting really involved with the success of the project. Well, at least people can get to see what we're working on. Hopefully people get excited. Man, I really hope the marketing people do a good job. And I hope that people like my work. E3 is not for me, but it's not a BAD thing.

We'll see what my next stage is going to be concerning our lovely Electronics Entertainment Expo.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

social commentary

taken from here

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


I had a big long post made up yesterday, and Blogger ate it.


I should've known, I used to write my posts up in wordpad before posting them, I should go back to doing that.